Town Square & Furber Park
The Town Square/Furber Park is located one block from the beach on Temple Avenue.
The Memorial Library is located in Furber Park on Temple Avenue across from the Jakeman Hall. Current children’s and adult books, as well as newspapers, are available. The library was completely renovated in 2024 after the flood and features a link to a searchable online catalog. (Use MemorialOceanPark for Library name and no password required)
Library Phone: 207-934-1853
- June 23 – August 29: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- The Library will be closed on July 4 due to the Independence Day holiday.
More information about seasonal library services and special programs.
The Ocean Park Memorial Bandstand was donated in memory of Douglas Ralph Keene by his family. Doug, during his time as Ocean Park archivist from 2004 until 2012, became aware that Ocean Park originally had a bandstand that was torn down in 1924 to build the Ocean Park Library. It was Doug’s hope that Ocean Park might someday construct a new bandstand to provide a suitable venue for outdoor concerts and gatherings and to honor the memory and purpose of the original structure. The bandstand was designed by Mark Mueller, a Portland architect, and built by Cory Hussey of Hussey & Sons Home Maintenance in Biddeford.
Jakeman Hall is located between Colby and Temple Avenues, next to the Soda Fountain. It houses the Ocean Park Association Administrative Office, the Visitors’ Center, and Ocean Park Realty, all of which are entered from Temple Avenue; and the Ocean Park Post Office, which is entered from Colby Avenue. Jakeman Hall was renovated in 2015 and is heated for year-round use. The Administrative Office offers business services: photocopying, and a fax machine. Small community gatherings are often held there in the off-season. Link to OPA Offices.