Memorial Library Info & Programs
The Memorial Library, run by Gorham, ME school librarian Lori Littlefield, is located in Furber Park across from the Ocean Park Soda Fountain and Jakeman Hall. A wonderful selection of current children, teen and adult books are available.
The library was completely renovated in 2024 after damage from the January flood. The library features a link to a searchable online catalog. (Use MemorialOceanPark for Library name and no password required)
Library Phone: 207-934-1853
The governor of Maine made a proclamation to celebrate our library! Watch it being read aloud here!
June 23 – August 29: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
The Library will be closed on July 4 due to the Independence Day holiday.
- Backpack Program: Younger Library patrons are able to borrow a theme-filled Let’s Move backpack with items to explore and enrich their memories while in Ocean Park. Let’s Move is part of a national effort to get children more active, eat healthy, all while having fun. Stop by the Library to learn more or borrow a backpack.
- Reading Friends Story Time: Every Thursday, from July 10 to July 31, 10:00 – 10:30 AM. Student volunteers read children’s stories at the Bandstand. If you are a middle school or high school student and would like to volunteer, or if you need more information, contact the Library.
- Story Time: Every Tuesday from July 1 to August 5, 10:00-10:30 AM. Volunteers read stories at the Bandstand. If you would like to volunteer or need more information, contact the library.
- Book Sales are offered on a perpetual basis! Take a look at the book carts outside the library on your way to the beach and grab a used book to enjoy.
- Book Donations: We do not currently have space to accept large book donations. If you have a new book or two to add to our collection or a gently loved book, please feel free to leave them with the Librarian at the Library.
Ways to Give to the Ocean Park Memorial Library
- Amazon Wishlist: The Amazon web site will walk you through the process, but you will need to add the Library’s address to your Amazon address book, so that the book(s) you choose will be shipped directly to the Library. We are hoping to grow our Juvenile biographies, purchasing new picture book titles. There are some amazing stories out there that we would love to offer our youngest Ocean Park readers!
- VOLUNTEER! We invite you to consider joining our library committee!