Educational Bureau Programs
July 10: Coffee and Cottage, 10 Oceana Ave
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Enjoy brunch and cottage ambiance at the lovely home of Dale and Steve Moreau – all are welcome. Sponsored by the Educational Bureau, $5.00 donation.
July 16: 70th Annual Bazaar and Luncheon, Curtis Lawn
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
For table reservations, contact Nancy Kenney (978) 502-2615; for white elephant donations contact Dana Defilippo (978) 430-3414. (rain date July 17).
July 24: 140th Anniversary Celebration at the Curtis
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Come and celebrate the 140th year of the Educational Bureau’s existence, view its interesting history, and chat with some of the “founding women”.
August 13: Annual Lawn/Craft/Food Sale, Curtis Lawn
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Lawn sale, flea market, food and craft sale all in one! For table reservations contact Nancy Kenney at (978) 502-2615; for white elephant donations contact Dana Defilippo (978) 430-3414. Rain date 8/14.
August 30: National Play Music on the Porch Day at the Curtis
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
our own Ocean Park Ukesters will play on the Curtis porch.
For more details on other programs sponsored by The Education Bureau:
Youth Camps offered by the Educational Bureau include:
Theatre Dance Camps, Ecology Adventure Camp, Beach Olympics Camp and an Art Travelers Camp