Frequently Asked Questions
BUS SERVICE: The Biddeford Saco Old Orchard Beach Transit provides convenient and affordable bus service between the communities of Biddeford, Saco and Old Orchard Beach.
TRAIN SERVICE: The Amtrak Downeaster service stops in Old Orchard Beach from April to October. For more information on “Downeaster” rail service to Old Orchard Beach or to purchase tickets contact Amtrak at: 1-800-USA-RAIL (800-872-7245).
Where can I park my car when I come to events at Ocean Park?
- Parking is quite limited within Ocean Park, as the streets are very narrow and the Park was not designed for cars. Many streets are clearly posted for NO on-street parking for anyone, including homeowners or renters.
- There are limited on-street parking spots located throughout the Park.
- There are also some 30 minute spots to accommodate brief shopping trips and some 1 hour spots for short visits in the Town Square.
- Parking spots are scarce. Please use care to not take up more than one parking space.
- Your vehicle will be towed if it blocks a driveway or parking area.
- Parking regulations ARE enforced to maintain access for residents and public safety vehicles at all times.
OOB Police Department Parking Rules:
- NO person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any of the following places:
- On a sidewalk
- In front of a public driveway or private driveway
- Within an intersection
- Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
- On a crosswalk
- Within 20 feet of the near corner of the curb at an intersection
- Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway
SPEED LIMIT: You will want to take note of the speed limit of 25 MPH within Ocean Park, the local vehicular noise ordinance, and the cruising ordinance. OOB police enforce the speed limit diligently.
Seasonal restrooms (June, July, August, September) are made available by the Ocean Park Association (OPA) in the Rec Hall at 22 Colby Avenue.
For information on what day your garbage will be picked up, you may call Blow Bros Inc. (BBI) at 934-3880.
BBI also provides recycling pick-up. For more information regarding recycling pick-up, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 934-5714.
OOB trash bags are available at the Ocean Park Business Office: $3.00 each
TRANSFER STATION: The Old Orchard Beach Transfer Station on Dirigo Drive is open Wednesday and Saturday 8:00 am to noon (except holidays) for leaf and yard waste only.
There is a compost station set up on the corner of Temple Ave. and Manor St. The OPA has contracted with Garbage to Gardens to empty the recycle bins. Composting is for food scraps. If you need a compost bin they are available at the OPA office for $5.
NOTE: Yard waste will not be picked up!. Please dispose of your own yard debris and do not leave it next to the recycle bins. You can bring your bagged yard waste to the Town’s transfer station which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Having a compost area allows us to make a difference in our environment. Please support this effort and our community by cooperating.
Memorial Library (seasonal June, July, August, September) located at Furber Park across from the Ocean Park Variety store and Soda Fountain. Current children’s and adult books, as well as daily newspapers, are available. The library is open to the public Monday through Friday 9 AM – 4 PM; and Saturday 9 AM – 2 PM. Closed Sunday. Library rates for a family are: season, $15.00; month, $10.00; and week, $5.00. Library memberships for OPA members are free. Phone: 934-1853.
Edith Belle Libby Memorial Library (year-round) is located at 27 Staples Street in Old Orchard Beach. Tel: 207-934-4351.
Visit the official website for the Town of Old Orchard Beach at
No dogs are allowed on the beach from Memorial Day until Labor Day between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM in Ocean Park. (10 AM to 5 PM in Old Orchard Beach). See Old Orchard Beach Dog Ordinance.
The public beach consists of land from Goose Fare Brook northeasterly to the Scarborough Town line.
The town of OOB has fenced off and set aside a portion of the public park known as Memorial Park for use as a “dog park,” where dogs are allowed to run and play under the supervision of responsible adults. Dogs are allowed to be off-leash within the dog park and, provided all rules and regulations of this ordinance are complied with, shall not be considered “running at large” under the Old Orchard Beach Ordinance relating to dog control.
By town ordinance Sec. 38-292 of the Town charter: USE AND SALE OF CONSUMER FIREWORKS IS PROHIBITED.
No person shall use, sell, or offer for sale consumer fireworks within the Town of Old Orchard Beach. Failure to comply is a civil violation punishable by a penalty of not less than $100.00 and not more than $2500 plus attorney’s fees and costs.
No traffic of any kind, vehicular or pedestrian, may enter or use any area of the beach where dune grass is growing.
The range of OPA’s wireless is limited to the 1-2 block area around Jakeman Hall. Offered at no cost.
Available at the Ocean Park Business Office.
- FAX number: (207) 934-2823
- Sending: $4 for the first page and $1 for each additional page.
- Receiving: $1/page
Available at the Ocean Park Business Office. The staff can make photocopies as time permits. Large photocopying needs cannot be accepted.
- Black & White: $0.15/page (10+ pages: $0.10/page)
- Color: $0.30/page (10+ pages: $0.25/page)
The OPA Post Office is located at 15 Colby Avenue and is operated by the OPA for the convenience of residents and visitors. It can fulfill most of your postal needs, however, it does not accept credit cards
The Old Orchard Beach Post Office is located at 2 Cascade Road (Rte 98). It accepts credit cards and handles Express mail.
Ocean Park neighbors looking out for each other. To report suspicious activities call 934-4911. To be placed on the alert list or to volunteer email: